Hotellet og gaardsplads Skarrildhus Sinatur
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Contact information Skarrildhus

Daily we strive to make unforgettable moments for our guests. We are always ready to help you out with meetings, conferences, courses, stays, private parties, company parties or Christmas parties. Please reach out to one of our colleagues or fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Lisbeth Assenholt

Responsible for Sales and Conferences


Jan Noer Baandrup

Restaurant Manager

Anne Cathrine Christensen

Head Chef

Kirsten Secher Villumsen

Generel Manager

Please fill out the form, and we will get back to you soon

Your preferences

Skarrildhus Sinatur Hotel & Konference

Sdr. Ommevej 4, Skarrild
6933 Kibæk, Herning

Phone: +45 9719 6233

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